If you’ve read my first post on andrewpfosterbooks or on my website, you’ll know I have just launched SNOW FALL, a gripping, gritty urban thriller. 

SNOW FALL is available exclusively on Amazon, as a paperback or ebook (just click on the title to go to Amazon!).

There are over one million ebooks on Kindle and over eight million print books on Amazon, so the choice is broad and deep and any single book is a needle in a haystack without some help — that means reviews. If you read and enjoy SNOW FALLplease review it on Amazon.

I’m hip-deep in the publishing world right now. It is really interesting, with so much information available so many actions to be taken each day. The publishing sector has been transformed over the past decade and what was an opaque old-boy network has been at least partly replaced by an open community of iconoclasts and non-conformers. Fun! I want to shout-out two great team players: my cover artist Sarah Brody and my editor C.B. Moore. Both of them incredible, talented responsive professionals.

Upcoming posts will include a deeper contextual discussion of SNOW FALL’s New York City and its Greed is Good era, followed by my thank you note to key writing influencers. Also on the way, some short posts featuring 80s music and photos. You might want to spend some time on the photos and videos already in my Gallery… Let me know if you have comments.

Talk soon. Meanwhile, be safe enough, Andy